Community Partnerships

Nannup District High School is proud and excited to work closely with the Nannup Flower & Garden Festival, the Nannup Music Festival, The Local Drug Action Group, Key Notes singers, the Nannup Historical Society, Nannup CRC, Nannup RSL, the Shire of Nannup, Nannup junior sports associations, and other local groups to support learning for all students.

Our staff and students engage with the wider community through participation in Warren-Blackwood Network events and neighbouring schools. This includes Winter Carnivals, Secondary Sport Carnivals, VEX-Robotics Interschool Competition, Mathademic and Spellademic. 

In Year 10, students are provided with the opportunity to partcipate in Work Placement, which enables them to develop skills and ideas for learning areas to pursue in Senior School, as well as career pathways. We are thankful to our local businesses for their ongoing support of our students. 
