Latest News Choir Students Rookie Rollers Book Week Dress Up Awesome Arts Creative Challenge Awesome Arts - Creative Challenge The Secondary students enjoyed the opportunity to work collaboratively for a week with the artists in residence, Lewis Horne and Mace Francis. This residency was through 'Awesome Arts, Creative Challenge'. Spare Parts Puppet Theatre The enchanting show, 'Blueback', held at the school, captivated students, teachers and visitors alike. Reconciliation Revegetation Reward Excursion Year 2/3 had a fantastic excursion planting trees at the Foreshore Park, as part of the Reconciliation Pathway community project. Interschool Cross Country Year 3-6 students competed in the Interschool Cross Country at East Manjimup Primary School. There were 300 students at the event. Yr 9/10 Students SW Careers Expo in Bunbury NDHS ANZAC Service The NDHS ANZAC SERVICE was held at NDHS on Wed 5 April. Representatives from the Nannup RSL attended the service run by the student councillors.